Start date: October 3, 2023
# ARV trials conducted: 72,759
Trials binary Z score: z=2.46
Trials win rate: 50.46%
Binary Z score calculation method: If the trial was correct in predicting the binary (yes, no) outcome of it's respective future event (chance expectation is exactly 50%), then it is given a score of "1", if the trial was incorrect, it is given a score of "-1". The Z score calculation = sum(scores)/sqrt(count(scores).
Discussion:​ Allthough the overall trial Z score at 2.45 is statistically significant, with over 70,000 trials, the resulting win rate is quite small at only 50.4%. It is difficult to make any useful predictions with a 50.4% win rate. However, we are continuing to experiment with using filters and consensus to leverage that low winning percentage to a higher value which would be more useful.